Details for Slow 2025 coming soon ... Join the waitlist to be notified when doors open

Slow is for the woman who desires richness and riches in her life and business. It’s for the self-aware and sensitive-souls. The woman who wears many hats, and is incredibly intentional about where she spends her time. The leaders and legacy makers who aren’t willing to hustle their way to the top, but still want to grow an incredible business sustainably.

It’s for the wise woman who knows the power of the ‘BOTH/AND’ and is ready to integrate it into her being in business… To play in the polarity of the dreaming and the doing. The peace and the profit. The softness and success.

It’s for the woman ready to dance in the slow AND actualise the knowing that it’s from this place she collapses timelines and creates sustained momentum toward the income, impact, presence and pleasure she desires.

It’s for the woman ready to exhale as she expands. Bigger than she ever imagined.

Can you feel that softness in your body already?

Inside Slow you’ll learn how to feel that good every time you’re in your business.

Unlike most masterminds that either support your heart or your head, Slow is a space where both are held. A space where strategy AND embodiment are woven together to support your whole self through all the seasons (including especially the messy ones). A soft space to land in your business, love your life, and lead bravely. For results, in a way you never knew were possible.

A space where slowing down is the catalyst for the abundance around you speeding up.

Slow is the table of women we want to circle up with and share in the journey of consciously creating a deeply impactful business that doesn’t cost you your life AND still generates a healthy profit.

Perhaps it’s the table you’ve been searching for too?

We’re Jess & Sam… two business besties on a mission to model a way of being in and doing business that doesn’t cost you your life, relationships, health etc… and to lead a movement of humans doing the same.

… end the burnout-boredom-burn-it-to-the-ground cycle and create a sustainable business that feels like a playground for your most creative expression and abundant expansion

… stop stuffing your schedule and create space for all the things that matter to you because you have a business that leverages your time & energy – and you know without a shadow of doubt you are inherently worthy, regardless of how many things you do in a day

… overcome overwhelm, procrastination, perfectionism, self-sabotage, and all the other ways you’re shying away from your power & success so you can take up space as the industry-leading, legacy-maker you are

… quit chasing someone else’s version for success and unapologetically create your own, trusting you are unconditionally successful at every stage and season of your business and life

Slow is currently getting a makeover ... we look forward to releasing all the details soon! Jump on the list to be the first to find out all the details